FAQ and Info

Question you might have

For additional guidance beyond what you see in this page, try contacting The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals or Neighborhood Cats. If you found a cat and aren’t sure where to take it, please contact Animal Care Centers of NYC for more info.

Community Cats Issues

How can I help?

We are a rescue network of volunteers with no shelter. We need things like ** people to trap and participate in the trap, neuter, return process **, holding space, fosters, adopters, monetary donations, items from our AZ wishlist, and more!

For more info on each, please visit these links:


Adopting cats



How can I communicate with others constructively about helping community cats?

Check out this great “Love Cats, Hate Cats” poster from New York City Feral Cat Initiative.
More suggestions from NYC FCI here.
Alley Cat Allies also has a ton of resources in terms of community relations.

I feed (or know someone who feeds) community cats. Where can I get info on being an optimal caretaker (and how to get the cats fixed/vaccinated!)?

Visit these resources for guidance of being the best caretaker you can. This benefits you, the cats, and the community as a whole:
Best Practices: Community Cat Colony Care (Alley Cat Allies)
Colony Care (NYC Feral Cat Initiative)

Visit our DEDICATED PAGE ABOUT TNR for more info on Trap, Neuter, Return and how you can become involved in the process. If you are a caretaker who feeds cats, this is a basic part of that (plus keeps cats healthier / happier, while minimizing their numbers and mouths you feed!). If you are the person noticing cats in need of help – info gather and connect with their feeder and offer to help. If no one else in the community (or place of work, or a business you frequent, or a place you just drove by) is stepping up and you notice / care – they need YOU to help. Find out how to become TNR Certified + a registered rescuer with the ASPCA (easy and free) which is very useful and enables you to directly access things like trap loans and free spay/neuter/vaccination services.  We also have a very limited number of spay/neuter appointments (via the ASPCA) so you can reach out to us about availability. (Get certified though – it opens more options for you to help cats, is easy/free, and a no-brainer!)


What are some options for low cost spay/neuter and vaccination?

Please see our TNR info page

Where can I get low cost vet care / services (including EMERGENCY care)?

See animalalliancenyc.org/yourpet/vetcare.htm – In addition to seeing if your veterinary may offer you a payment plan, this page from Animal Alliance NYC has resources on Low-Cost Veterinary Care, Low-Cost Spay/Neuter, General Financial Assistance Programs, Specialized Financial Assistance Programs, and More Information & Articles.

Also check out Free & Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Programs & Clinics (NYCFCI) and Feral-Friendly Veterinarians in New York City (NYCFCI).

*** If you are seeking emergency care, visit NYCFCI’s page on 24-Hour Veterinary Hospitals & Emergency Rescue Information. ***

How can I keep cats warm in the winter?

Check out these resources from the following:
Neighborhood Cats
Alley Cat Advocates
Alley Cat Allies

Where can I learn more about community cats and the law in NYC?

Specific Cat issues

I want to adopt a cat.

See more about the process and fill out an application at bit.ly/btcradopt.
See some or our adoptables at bit.ly/bronxcats.

Events are currently on hold due to the pandemic, but we hope to be up-and-running again with those soon! WE ARE STILL ADOPTING OUT CATS. We are currently utilizing technology to convey information about cats, vet our adoption applications, and correspond with potential adopters. Social distancing is observed throughout the vetting and delivery process. All adopters are allowed a 2-week trial period to make sure the cat or cats are a good fit. If not, we will retrieve the cat/cats and return the adoption fee in full.

Once we start in person events again, our FB “Events” page is a good place for weekly updates.

I need to surrender my (or someone else’s) pet(s).

We are not a shelter and do not have the capacity to take in surrendered pets. First and foremost, exhaust all resources to attempt to address the issue (see here from ACC, here from PAWS, here from Purina, and here from the Humane Society for some tips) for why you need to rehome your pet. If you still have to, consider reaching out to the rescue/shelter you got them from to see if they can assist. Also see resources like Responsibly Rehoming (though Toronto based, the article has good pointers) and Rehoming Your Cat for some tips and guidance. Note that posting somewhere like Craigslist can potentially be perilous – with any rehoming you must screen EXTENSIVELY. Check out the links for how. Also see Adopt-a-Pet Rehome or Get Your Pet for more ideas / services. You can consider reaching out to shelters / groups to see if they may have space (check out Animal Shelters & Rescue Groups and NYC Area TNR Organizations for some ideas). You may want to consider reaching out to ASPCA (aspca.org/nyc/aspca-adoption-center-nyc), ACC (nycacc.org/services/surrender), or another rescue group of your choice with space if you have exhausted all other options.

I found an abandoned or stray cat … or I found kittens!

In general: visit ACC’s page on “I found a stray cat

Specific to kittens …

Visit NYC FCI’s page on managing kittens: “What To Do (And NOT Do) If You Find Newborn Kittens“. Read the article but here is an infographic from it as well:

infographic on newbon feral cats

Check out the Kittens section from ACC.

Also, check out katieskitty.com/find-stray-kittens for a helpful article.

Are mom and dependent kittens friendly and can you take them in? We may be able to loan you a crate. PLEASE read the aforementioned article for more info on if this is advisable and what would be in store for you.

More links:

Additionally ASPCA, ACC, or other orgs may be able to assist. See:

ASCPA Adoption Centers

There is a feral or outside stray cat or cats at …. (points to location)

Get involved in the Trap, Neuter, Return process. Rescues and individual rescuers can’t do it alone / keep up with the demand. Community involvement is crucial (not to mention rewarding and benefits both cats and the community!). Visit our TNR page for more info on how.
As mentioned above, in very rare cases we can assist with trapping but already have a backlog of existing projects. This is one reason we are always on the lookout for more people to help with the TNR process.
If you are able to trap (see aforementioned link for info) and have holding space you can reach out to us to see if we have space available on a private transport but note these fill up quickly. However, if you are TNR certified and a registered rescuer with the ASPCA you can also get your own appointments.
If you find a friendly stray you believe to be suffering and not thriving outside, consider if you have the ability to take them in. We are not a shelter so cannot take in pets. Also see the I found an abandoned or stray cat … or I found kittens! section above. If the animal is tame and you are able to provide transport, you may bring him or her to any of ACC’s five shelters/receiving centers. See nycacc.org/about/locations. Please exercise caution when interacting with an unfamiliar animal—do not approach any stray animal exhibiting odd behavior or signs of aggression. If the animal appears to be potentially dangerous or sick, please report it by calling 311.

How do I report animal cruelty / abuse?

NYC: Check out the ASPCA’s 8 Tips for Reporting Animal Cruelty and note the contact for ASPCA Humane Law Enforcement listed there: (212) 876-7700, ext. 4450 and humanel@aspca.org.

Westchester: Reach out to the Humane Law Enforcement Unit of the SPCA of Westchester. Their confidential hotline to report animal cruelty is (914) 941-7797.

I lost my pet.

Seek out resources in your community (including virtually like FB and NextDoor + local shelters and rescues), post flyers in the vicinity where the cat went missing (make your own or check out LostMyKitty.com) with a picture and contact info, knock on doors … Put out the cat’s litterbox as the familar smell may lure them back. Search the home / space thoroughly to make sure the cat is not hiding … Is your cat microchipped? Inform the company (s)he is chipped with …
ACC may be able to help: nycacc.org/services/lost-found
The “Lost and Found Pets” group on FB may also be a good place to post. See facebook.com/BronxLostandFoundPets